Drupal Brightcove Video Connector allows you to manage Brightcove Video Cloud videos and players within Drupal, and easily embed videos in Drupal pages. Note that this is for Drupal 8. For Drupal 7, see Drupal 7 instructions.
Connect to the Brightcove Account
To connect your Brightcove account, navigate to the Brightcove API page by clicking on Configuration, then scrolling down to the Brightcove API Account option under Media.
This will take you to the Brightcove API client page. To add a new Brightcove API client, click Add Brightcove API Client.
The Label can be anything, but using the same name as the account name on Brightcove will make it easier to identify.
To get client ID and client secret, you will have to register an application. In Brightcove Studio, navigate to API Authentication and click on Add New Application.
Fill in name and short description.
Select an account. Pictured below are all required permissions.
Hit save.
Client ID and Client Secret appear.
Be sure to copy and save Client Secret to a secure location. You will not be able to access it again.
To find account ID, go to the Account Information section of the Admin pages:
Fill in all IDs and Keys and select Default player.
Click Save. The API client should now appear in the list.
Initially, when you navigate to the New Content page and click Brightcove Videos, there won't be any, though the option to add a video will be there. That's because first, you need to sync the data. After the initial sync, Drupal's chron keeps everything up to date. For manual synchronization, click on the Reports button at the top, then click Brightcove Status Overview.
On the Brightcove Status Overview page, hit Sync all.
Navigate to the Brightcove video page again, and your videos should be available.
Configuring Permissions
You can now view and post videos, but permissions must be set if non-admin users are to interact with the videos. To set these permissions up, first navigate to the permissions page by clicking on People and then Permissions.
Scroll down to find the Brightcove permissions. Enable and disable according to your needs. Brightcove permissions are automatically set to admin-only, so if you want others to view videos, you must grant those permissions.